Lamb’s Gristmill

Stone Ground Freshness! All Natural! No Preservatives Added!
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This is the original coarse grind, 2 lb resealable package.
Gluten Free product.
Stone Ground White Cornmeal, 2 lb resealable package. Gluten free product.
Stone Ground Yellow Cornmeal Fine, 2 lb resealable bag. Gluten Free product.
Stone Ground Fish Fry, 20 oz resealable package.
Gluten free product.
Coats up to 12 lbs of Fish.
All natural, no preservatives added.
Stone Ground Shrimp & Oyster Fry, 20 oz resealable package.
Coats up to 6 lbs of shrimp or 1 gallon of oysters.
All natural, no preservatives added.
Stone Ground Yellow Grits, 24 oz resealable package, Gluten Free product.